If you stop to think about it, buying everything brand new is a waste of money. Most new things depreciate the instant you fork over cash or sign that credit card payment screen. Of course, there are some things (such as underwear) that should always be purchased with the tags attached. But there are plenty of items you can buy second-hand to save loads of money. Here’s a list of things you should buy used whenever you get the chance.


When I see people drive brand-new cars away from lots, I can’t help but shake my head. Don’t they know that as soon as the tires leave the lot, that car is suddenly worth up to 11% less than they just paid for it? As a savvy senior, I can’t bring myself to make such a poor investment. That’s why I always buy my cars used. Trust me when I say you can find some really great deals for used cars in your community if you take a little time to look.

Keep in mind that not all used cars are good cars, so you should take any vehicle you’re
interested in buying to a trusted mechanic before you commit to a purchase. That way you won’t get caught by surprise if the vehicle has major issues the seller didn’t disclose.

Gently Used Clothing

Like cars, new clothing depreciates instantly in value once you take the tags off. You can save a whole lot of money by looking for gently used clothing that others have donated to goodwill or second-hand clothing stores.

People sell or give away perfectly good clothing for a variety of reasons. They may realize after buying something that it doesn’t fit quite right, or they might not have liked a clothing gift someone gave them. Some people even get rid of practically new clothing because they get sick of it after a few months of use! Whatever the reason may be, you can take advantage of the opportunity to buy used clothing for a fraction of the cost.


Some people think they have to get rid of perfectly good furniture after a few years of use
because it goes out of style. If you’re like me, you’re not subject to silly stylish whims. I like my
furniture to look nice, but it doesn’t need to meet the standards of the latest trends.

Used furniture is often sold for hundreds or even thousands less than new furniture. When
shopping for used furniture, don’t worry if it has a little dirt or dust on it. You can fix that easily enough. However, you should carefully test the structural integrity of any furniture you plan to purchase.

Wiggle tables back and forth to see if they’re sturdy, sit down on couches to make sure they don’t sag and make sure entertainment centres have properly functioning doors and shelving. It’s only a good deal if the item is actually useful and sturdy.


Young folks these days always have to own the newest and greatest electronics. I’m not so picky. As long as it works and gets the job done, I’m just as happy with the tablet I purchased five years ago as my neighbour is with his brand-new tablet.

You may not be able to get a great deal on last season’s electronics, but if you’re willing to go
back two or more seasons, you can get very low prices for outdated smart devices. Just make
sure everything works properly before you buy any used electronic device.

This is a small sampling of the many things you can save money on by purchasing used. Before buying something new, ask yourself if you could find an acceptable used version. If the answer is “yes,” go do some second-hand shopping so you can keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket.

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